Have you ever monitored and studied the analytics of your company website? Chances are, you’ll notice there is an increasing trend in users reaching your website through their mobile phones and tablets. This is especially so for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) businesses in Singapore. Google released a global study in 2014, that reveals Singapore as the world’s largest smartphone market per capita, with the devices overtaking desktop computer use to access the internet. Is your business ready for this consumer behaviour change that has already taken place? Responsive Web Design (RWD) is the solution to put your business ahead of this behaviour change. An example of website with Responsive Web Design would help you understand what RWD is like.
RWD Improves the Web Experience for Your Audience
RWD is an approach in web design focused at creating websites to optimise the viewing and interaction experience of users. It makes reading easy and reduces the need of resizing, panning and scrolling your website across viewing screens of different sizes from desktop computers to mobile phones. RWD adopts a fluid layout for the webpages on a website. The webpage changes its layout to optimise the display of content according to the screen size.
An improved web experience translates to higher sales and better conversion rate! A frustrated user, who has to repeatedly resize your website to read the content will exit your website without any conversion. On the other hand, a satisfied user will more likely to follow through your content and provide you with a conversion if they having a good reading experience from your website.
RWD is Cost Effective
It is more cost effective to build and maintain a single website with RWD than to maintain two separate websites (one for desktop viewing and the other for mobile and tablet). RWD enhances SEO efforts by having all your website visitors directed to a single web address regardless of their viewing devices. If you have two separate websites, you’ll need a duplicate of SEO efforts as well. This is the reason why RWD is regarded by Google as a mobile SEO best practice.
RWD Gives You an Edge in Search Rankings on Mobile Devices
RWD helps your business in search rankings for searches made on mobile devices. In the mobile-friendly update by Google that happened on April 2015, Google is boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results. This update affects search rankings on mobile devices, and the search results in all languages globally. It applies to individual pages found on the website and not the entire website.
With so many benefits that Responsive Web Design is bringing to your business, are you convinced that RWD is the future?