service logo design flathead energy services fg

A Symbol for Ever Flames

The Flathead Energy Services logo design is a combination mark comprising an iconic symbol and the brand name “Flathead Energy Services.” The symbol is uniquely formed by merging an oil droplet, representing the oil-related consulting and tool lease services, with a flame, symbolising the gas-related services provided. The creative design features a ‘shaved off’ top, subtly conveying the idea of a ‘flathead.’ This shaved portion is mirrored in the brand name, creating a cohesive connection between the symbol and the name. The passionate red and reassuring black colours enhance the logo’s clean and uncluttered appearance, embodying a design philosophy that achieves more with less.


Flathead Energy Services

Creative Agency

PIRR Creatives (PIRR)

Commissioned Branding Service(s)

  • Logo Design

Logo Design Highlights