reimagining tradition graphic design services nam hwa opera macpherson philharmonic orchestra fg

Reimagining Tradition: Women of Teochew Music

A comprehensive range of graphic services was provided to Nam Hwa Opera (NHO) and MacPherson Philharmonic Orchestra (MPPO) for their collaborative event, “Reimagining Tradition: Women of Teochew Music.” The key visual, divided into two vertical portions, features portraits of a Teochew opera artiste and a Western classical musician, each adorned with instruments from their respective traditions. This intentional distinction aims to engage music lovers from both cultures while making the event relatable for all attendees. Predominantly clad in gold and red, the key visual embodies the brands of NHO and MPPO. Alongside the key visual, banners, a Facebook cover image, and a program booklet were designed for the event.


Nam Hwa Opera (NHO) and MacPherson Philharmonic Orchestra (MPPO)

Creative Agency

PIRR Creatives (PIRR)

Commissioned Graphic Design Service(s)

  • Banner Design
  • Brochure Design
  • Key Visual Design
  • Web Banner Design