brand naming logo design eco erth

A Simple Icon

The brand name ‘erth’ was birthed by exclusion of the letter ‘a‘ from the word ‘earth.’ It connotes earth in the absence of eco ‘aid.’ The logo design is a wordmark that gives prominence to the brand name. The deliberate void of symbolic representations, puts all attention on the brand name which originally carried a deep significance to the brand. “Let’s not steal the limelight,” we squealed. The stylised typeface is raw, natural and unprocessed. The logo design is set in teal which relates to green, the prime colour in the eco industry.


What’s earth like without eco aid? The grown-up searched deep into his thoughts and came up with a bazillion of well-considered answers, none of which he was satisfied with. A simple child came along. She removed ‘a’ from ‘earth’ and she was pleased.


  • Brand Naming
  • Logo Design