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Logo Design

Meanings of Political Parties’ Logos in Singapore General Election 2015

By September 3, 2015December 8th, 2022No Comments3 min read

“The use of party symbols was a special feature of the elections here,” explained Mr Lee Kuan Yew when he was relating the meaning of his party’s symbol during an election broadcast over Radio Singapore on 27 May 1959. His words remain relevant in the Singapore General Election 2015 (GE2015). Party symbols or logos are still being used to represent our political parties. Logo design is the art of creating a graphic mark, emblem or symbol to represent commercial enterprises, organisations and even individuals. In the context of GE2015, the party logo is a symbol that stands for the political party and exists with the intent for immediate public recognition. How well do you know the political parties’ logos? Do you know the meanings behind these logos?





People’s Action Party 1954 peoples action party pap logo “This had far-reaching consequences. First it reminded people that the vote was more for the party than for the candidate. Secondly, “the esteem or contempt which a party symbol evokes in the minds of the broad mass of the people is decisive.””
Workers’ Party 1957 workers party wp logo Not available
Singapore People’s Party 1994 singapore peoples party spp logo “SPP strives to improve the lives of Singaporeans by providing constructive ideas and recommending sound policies in Parliament as it upholds democracy, peace, progress, equality and justice in its policy making process.”
Singapore Democratic Party 1980 singapore democratic party sdp logo “…the Arrow representing political progress and Circle symbolizing unity among the country’s ethnic groups. The colour red signifies courage and determination.”
National Solidarity Party 1987 national solidarity party nsp logo “…we endeavour to become the guiding light and direction for Singapore’s political development. …The party’s newsletter underwent a transformation and adopted the new name North Star.”
Singapore Democratic Alliance 2001 singaporean democratic alliance sda logo “The five edges of the star represent Dignity, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and Responsibility.
Red represents brotherhood and regardless of all races or languages. Blue represents True Blue Singaporeans. The four circles represent Multi-Parties Parliamentary.
The emblem is a meaningful and distinctive representation of what we stand for, and the values we believe in, edging towards building a “Singapore for Singaporeans”.”
Reform Party 2008 reform party rp logo “A Brighter Tomorrow, Today.”
Singaporeans First 2014 singaporeans first sf logo “In SingFirst, we place the heart at the centre of whatever we do. The heart is within a circle which represents the head. Hence, we think with our hearts in SingFirst.
The red colour signifies passion and determination to bring about a fair society with strong families and esteemed people. The white background represents transparency and accountability which are the values all of us in SingFirst firmly believe in.”
People’s Power Party 2015 peoples power party ppp logo Not available

And really, when you pause and read these logos, you’ll find the significant meanings they have been carrying. Most importantly, these logos convey the political parties’ promises to the nation, to the people of Singapore, to you and me.