Retailers in the marketplace! Is your business confined by the catchment area of your store’s location? How do you extend its reach? You can do it for FREE, simply by putting your business location on Google Maps. Despite alternatives like Yahoo! Maps and Bing Maps, Google Maps stands to be the most famous and used mapping service on the Internet.
Google My Business provides a holistic platform that connects your business directly with customers, whether they are looking for you on Search, Maps or Goggle+. So, how does the platform help your business?
1. Prospects Search on Google Maps
Prospects make their search on Google Maps. When they do so, business locations (that are relevant to the keyword search) will be identified on their map. If your business expects walk-in customers, Google Maps is literally a virtual signboard that points customers to your shop. Your verified business information will appear in Maps, helping customers find directions to your business. They can also find contact info as well as ratings and reviews of your business.
2. Prospects Search on Google Search
Prospects make their search on Google Search. Unless you’ve made deliberate Search Engine Optimisation on your website, your business is unlikely to appear on the first page of the search results. Here comes the perk! Google showcases some search results of Map Search as well. Having your business indexed in Google Map gives you the opportunity to appear on the first page of the Search Engine Ranked Pages.
3. Prospects are on Google+
Just like any other social media platforms, your prospects can be found on Google+. Google+ allows you to connect with your customers. You can make posts, communicate, network and whatnot. In Singapore, Facebook is still a preferred social media platform as it has a significantly higher number of users compared to Google+. Google+ is catching up, slowly but surely! Love the simple and clean user interface it offers! Harness the power of Collections and Communities tool on Google+!