It is so good to be home. With the implementation of Covid-19 “Circuit Breaker” (from 7 April – 4 May) to heighten safe-distancing measures, only essential services that support daily needs remain open. Workplace premises of non-essential businesses are closed and Singaporeans can only perform work via telecommuting from home. Home-Based Learning (HBL) has also kicked in from 8 April, keeping all primary, secondary, Pre-University and IHL students, including students from Special Education (SPED) schools, safe in their homes.
Restlessness, fear and stress can easily creep in through the month-long “Circuit Breaker”. To counter that, here’re 100 Things Singaporeans Can Do During Covid-19 “Circuit Breaker” Measures:
1. Make the safest face mask (
2. Perfect grandma’s Bak Kut Teh recipe
3. Clean your computer’s keyboard; it’s germier than your toilet
4. Spread love & not fear on social media platforms
5. Tidy your space & keep only clean things that spark joy (
6. Send encouraging words to your loved ones
7. Start a journal or blog
8. Develop patience through trials
9. Satisfy your bubble tea craving; create your own boba (
10. Re-prioritise your life, now that you’d understood what’s essential & what’s non-essential
11. Seek vengeance on the plaguesome demons in Diablo III (Diablo III is 50% OFF on the Nintendo eShop!)
12. Begin your day with a home-brewed Kopi-O Kosong
13. Binge-watch responsibly on Netflix (Pandemic: & 93 Days)
14. Meditate to reduce stress
15. Create handicrafts with your child
16. Learn to go easy on yourself
17. Be informed & stay updated on the Covid-19 situation in Singapore (
18. Plan for your post-coronavirus vacation; make it the best vacation ever
19. Learn a new word each day
20. Prophesy on the post-coronavirus world
21. Encourage your children to wash their hands with Baby Sharka Dodo (
22. Post one thing that you’re thankful for, everyday on Facebook
23. Practise deep breathing to lower stress
24. Pick up a new recipe
25. Imagine the future of Singapore as a Smart Nation (
26. Write a book
27. Learn origami
28. Watch Mukbang videos if you’re feeling bored, eating alone
29. Pick up 7 simple habits to lead a more minimalist life (
30. Knit, knit, knit
31. Put together an epic puzzle
32. Write a letter
33. Be well-read with digital services via National Library Board’s Mobile App (
34. Organise your kitchen
35. Sort out your purses or wallets
36. Read the books that you’d bought but haven’t read
37. Learn how to protect yourself against Covid-19 (
38. Rearrange your furniture
39. Paint something
40. Call a friend
41. Catch The Masked Singer on YouTube (
42. Clean out your fridge
43. Take an Instagram baking class
44. Learn a new language
45. Be self-sufficient & grow your own potatoes at home (
46. Do a digital yoga class
47. Play a nostalgic board game
48. Listen to audiobooks
49. Learn from experts, how to stop touching your face all the time (
50. Build a fort with your kids
51. List your life goals
52. Clean your windows
53. Cut your own hair (
54. Perfect your floral arrangements
55. Vacuum all the carpets
56. Look through photo albums
57. Bake a lock-down birthday cake (
58. Make a bucket list
59. Clear your mailbox
60. Have a picnic on your living room floor
61. Exercise at home (
62. Make a grocery list
63. Meal prep for the coming week
64. Make homemade greeting cards
65. Groom your dog at home (
66. Have a dance party for two
67. Pray for hope
68. Dine blindfolded
69. Manicure at home (
70. Clean out your closet
71. Learn calligraphy
72. Join an online gaming session
73. Boost your productivity at home (
74. Create a scrapbook
75. Clean your mobile phone, inside & out
76. Browse auction sites
77. Fill your hours indoors with Nintendo Switch (
78. Research a new topic
79. Re-aquascape your aquarium
80. Create a collage
81. Sing & make music with friends (
82. Video chat with a family member
83. Play hide-&-seek
84. Use your hand weights
85. Project augmented reality animals into your living room (
86. Role play
87. Create a new Pinterest board
88. Colour-code your wardrobe
89. Start a container garden from seed (
90. Teach your dog new tricks
91. Make a terrarium
92. Learn a musical instrument
93. Prepare to file your individual income tax (
94. Fill your online shopping carts & wait out for a sale
95. Bead jewellery
96. Apply for a new job because you have remote working experience now
97. Hear directly from the Prime Minister’s Office (
98. Catch up on your sleep
99. Just do NOTHING
100. ???
And yes, we left the last line empty for you. Share this post with your close ones. Inspire them with what you’re this “circuit breaker” period!